Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thing #18

I explored Google Docs and created and published a spreasheet

I loved the idea of being able to view your documents from any computer. This will help me to edit my spreadsheet no matter where I am, at work, at home, at an on-site interview, etc. This would also help me in scheduling interviewers and interviewees. I can let them know about the site and they can have a feed and then it's up to them to fill in the blanks or leave comments, etc. It would save me a lot of time in preparing the schedules. Yeah!

I also like the idea of the spreadsheets being automatically saved. That's another great time saver and headache eliminator!

The Google calendar looked intriguing, but then I became overwhelmed at all of the places that I have a calendar (i.e. hard copy at home, Palm, Desk Now). I'm not sure that I want to merge all of these into one place, and I definately don't want to take the time to do so. Being able to put a team's schedule and/or concert series on your calendar was neat. Google calendar definately looks cool, so I may come back to it at a later time.

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