Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thing 15

I boarded the library boat with Rick Anderson and had an enlightening journey. I loved his idea of the "just in case" collection. It reminded me of the jeans I keep in my closet "just in case" I lose those 5 pounds. Well, you know what? Get over it. It ain't happening! (At least I didn't purchase the jeans anticipating I would lose those 5 pounds. I guess my scenario is more of a weeding issue. I'll hold that thought for a future Thing!)

I couldn't help but have Lew's voice in my head as I read the Five Perspectives. He seems to be right on target with our Strong Foundations, Enduring Success. Thanks, Lew!

One point that I found fascinating was "..if our services can't be used without training, then it's the services that need to be fixed - not our patrons." This really goes hand-in-hand with what do our patrons use already and how can we incorporate that into our library services.

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