Saturday, September 8, 2007

Thing #8

Thank goodness I attended one of Beth's RSS trainings before I did Thing #8. I felt a bit more comfortable tackling a topic that I had covered before.

What a great idea RSS feeds are!! I love the idea of the most recent information on a topic, website, blog, etc. coming to you. I would really like it if there was a pop-up or sound or something to alert you that a new feed is in your reader. (How about a different sound for each folder?) Talk about getting distracted when you're working online!

I have feeds for some of my co-workers blogs, which I know will save me time in the future. I like to check on how well everyone else is progressing, but many are still at Thing 4, so I won't waste time checking their blogs now.

Once again I had trouble setting-up an account (this time with Bloglines). It seemed to accept my AOL address, but it never sent me an email notification. Finally, after several attempts, I decided to use my Hotmail address and an email notification was quickly received. Go figure.

1 comment:

Beth said...


You can get a pop/sound if you use the RSS reader - Feed Reader. It is very much like how Thunderbird alerts you that a new email is in. Give it a try - it is my feed reader of choice these days.

Glad the class was able to help you with this THING.